My contributions to the DGPP
Costs of the Desjardins Group Pension Plan, or DGPP, are shared among employees and employers, with employees paying 35% and employers paying 65%. Desjardins Group's Board of Directors determines the contribution rate each year based on Plan commitments.
The salary my contributions are based on is my regular or base salary. Contributions must also be deducted from any lump sum amount in lieu of the normal salary increase or paid as a retroactive salary increase. All other forms of compensation are not recognized by the DGPP.
Not included in pensionable earnings, for example, are any lump sum amount paid to me as a special increase, bonuses or any indirect compensation, overtime or the value of a car provided by the employer.
I can suspend my participation in the DGPP but only under very specific circumstances such as maternity leave, parental leave and leave without pay. If I suspend my participation, I do not contribute to the DGPP. Therefore, this period will not be recognized in the calculation of my pension but will be included in the calculation of my continuous service.