Pension indexation

​​​​​​At the beginning of each year, the Desjardins Group Pension Plan indexes retirees annuities to reduce the effects of inflation. It adjusts the annuity based on the increase in the annuity index established under the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) or the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). The Pension index established by the QPP or the CPP is based on the average of the Consumer Price Index in Canada for each month over the course of the 12 month period ending on October 31 of the previous year.

For service before 2013: The vested benefit will be indexed at the beginning of each year, with a maximum of 3% per year.

For service after 2012: The vested benefit will b​e indexed at the beginning of each year after you reach age 65, or at the beginning of the year following retirement if you retired after age 65, with a maximum of 1% per year, for a defined period of 10 years. A pro rata applies to the first and last year of indexing.

The table below presents the maximum indexation rates applied over the past five years.

DGPP maxim​um indexation rates
2022 2.70%

Rate Table since the creation of Desjardins Group Pension Plan in 1979

(pdf - 111 ko)