DGPP Risk Management Advisory Committee

DGPP Steering Committee, reporting to the Desjardins Group Management Committee and ultimately of the Fédération's Board of Directors​​, implemented the DGPP Risk Management Advisory Comittee (RMAC) to ensure that DGPP risk management activities and investment activities are coherent from an integrated risk management perspective of Desjardins Group.

The RMAC responsibilities are: 

  • • to carry out validation of the adequacy of DGPP risk management activities by DGPP Division in relation to Desjardins Group's objectives and validation of the efficiency of the controls in place;
  • • to monitor compliance with the sponsor's risk appetite;
  • • to validate the impact of the investment submitted to it from an integrated risk management perspective of Desjardins G​roup;​

It is composed of the following members:

  • − 3 members appointed by the Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer, Desjardins Group
  • − 1 member from Investments Division, Desjardins Group appointed by the Vice-President, Investments Division, Desjardins Group.​​